College has been anything but the best four years of my life. I will graduate with one friend, a mediocre GPA, and memories of horrible people. But i'm okay with it because I know I have the rest of my life ahead of me.
College has been anything but the best four years of my life. I will graduate with one friend, a mediocre GPA, and memories of horrible people. But i'm okay with it because I know I have the rest of my life ahead of me.
^Excuse me, I find TOMS to be quite comfortable, thank you very much to the kind person who sent this. Hah.
It's interesting how even though my brother and I now see our friend, whom we've known since we were little, probably only once or twice a year, each time we do meet we're able to almost pick up right where we left off. It's a great and reassuring feeling. Sometimes I almost expect things to be radically different. Granted, things do change as we all get older, but our friendship stays the same. I like that.
Also, I think my body was only tricking me into thinking I go to sleep at times that normal people do. Perhaps I was only catching up on lost sleep from this past semester. Well I'd better prepare myself. This upcoming semester is going to really suck royal, festering, donkey balls. I'm actually dreading going back to school.
And one last thing: it's a complete wonder and miracle that I haven't been pulled over/Carla hasn't been towed away due to an exorbitantly expired license tag (KNOCK ON WOOD).
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