Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Sometimes I do think about this.

Except it's not so much a fear as it is an occasional "Well crap, I look all spiffy and I'm not going anywhere important today." 

First world problems, I know. 

Sunday, December 25, 2011



So I forgot to pack my Rent DVD when I came home, thus breaking what would've been a three year streak of a Christmas-all-nighter + Rent viewing. Sad days.

I realize that for me, I will always associate Christmas with family. And it's a bit mind blowing, knowing that our eldest cousin is bringing her significant other to meet the entire family later today for Christmas festivities. The first cousin to do so. Dang. We're gonna haze the hell out of him...

Just kidding. Not really. But seriously.

And I can't think of a single Christmas that I haven't spent with my entire family. Not just my siblings and parents, but my grandparents, uncles, aunts, and especially cousins. I feel like Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without my cousins. So it makes me wonder what will happen in the future when we all grow up and have our own families. I know personally, I'd make sure my significant other and I would make the effort to visit both her family and my family, but would my family still include extended family? I kinda hope so. I never say it aloud, but I love all my family, even though each of us is crazy in our own, special way. But then again I guess we wouldn't be what we are if it weren't for our personalities.

If the day ever comes where I have to spend a Christmas without my family...well. I think I'll just try not to think about that.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

This short film

I may have shed manly tears by the end of this short movie. Just saying. So beautiful.

....uh, quick! Something that will re establish what little manliness I have left! Oh, wait, I know: Facts and Chicks, a website/blog that is literally pictures of hot women with a random piece of trivia/fact of the day captioned over the image. The fact has nothing to do with the picture of the woman on the background, nor vice versa, but hey. Facts and Chicks. Gotta love it.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

"Can men and women be just friends?"

A video that addresses that question probably made famous by When Harry Met Sally

Then again the poll was taken from a rather selective group, being from a college campus but still. I think it's interesting. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


I'm not much of a rap-listening kind of guy, but man. This is good.

Childish Gambino (Donald Glover) "Heartbeat"

I've listened to some of his other tracks on this album, but like I said, I'm not a big fan of rap. I just like this number.

Or, okay, I'm not a fan of rap where the message is all about power, money, sex, etc. I know there's good rap out there, that can tell a story, that really moves me.

...To be continued. I'm swamped with finals, yo.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

We would be one, we would be just fine

I love it when I discover a good blues song.


On another note I finally managed to get Spotify installed on my computer. Nifty. Although I think I'll refrain from connecting it to facebook, because to be honest, I'm already pretty wary about people going through my ipod/music library. It's just so, exposing. It's like someone going through your underwear drawer or however that short saying goes. I feel like your music collection says a lot about you as a person. I know it does for me. So it's rather unnerving if, say, I'm driving with people I'm not super great friends with, I get bored of what's on the radio so I turn on my ipod instead, and I try to filter through my usual car playlist and pick things that would have the most general appeal. Or, you know, maybe I'm just super paranoid about people judging me based on my tastes in music. Whatever. Haters gonna hate, okay?