Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sing us a song, you're the piano man.

Does drinking alone make you an alcoholic

I wouldn't necessarily think so. Maybe it depends on context.

Why does it seem like alot of things depend on the context of a situation.

Friday, October 29, 2010


One could say "what is the purpose of life?" and sound like he's questioning or pondering our existence as humanity, why are we here on this planet, in this universe, living the way we do.

Or he could ask "what's the point of living?" and come off more on the suicidal tone.

Don't you agree both questions mean the same thing? Yet how is it one sounds more alarming than the other? I suppose then the tone of the person's voice also affects the connotation as well as the context of the question, but I still find it interesting.

Because surely there must be more to life than this. We are brought into this world screaming. We sleep. We cry. We grow. We go to school. Learn. For some, we take tests and continue our education. Then some might continue more education. For what? To get a good job. Then we work. And work. Maybe marry. Maybe have kids. Maybe those kids will do the same things we did. Maybe we'll divorce. Maybe the kids will also divorce later on. But we continue working. Living. Working. Until what? We die.

No matter what path each person takes, everyone eventually reaches the same destination.

Does each person have a purpose? What if some of us don't know what the purpose is?

What if there is no purpose.

Then cut to the chase, shall we.


Also. I never realized staring at a TV mowing down wave after wave of aliens for about 6-8 hours in one day could produce such. a fucking. headache. I feel like a full-on hangover can't possibly have such a consequence that's on par with this ailment. But I'll probably find out one day.

Monday, October 25, 2010

"My pleasure."

Had lunch at Chick-fil-a over the weekend. Went up for a refill. Got my refill.

I said "Thank you."

And the employee said,

"You're welcome."



On another unrelated note:

예 쁘다...ㅋㅋㅋ (fail-Korean TT_TT)

Korean-Australians (Australian-Koreans? Korstralians? Ausreans?)

And they're twins. Which just confuses me even more. Or does it make it that much more awesome? Both, perhaps.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

With A Little Help

It's been a rough week.

I thought I was going crazy. Losing my mind. I just about had it after today.

But I'm glad I got to just sit around and talk with you guys tonight. About stuff. Random things. I'm glad I got to laugh with other people instead of a computer. I'm so thankful. Grateful.

It beats drinking alone.

Maybe we'll be better friends later on. It gives me just a glimmer of hope. And for now, I think that's all I need to help me get by.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dramatic Drama is Dramatic

Finally got around to finishing 궁 (Goong), or Princess Hours. I have to say, for the most part, I really enjoyed this drama. It had its humorous moments, serious moments, and of course, plenty of "daaaawwww..." moments. I feel like the bones of the love story are fairly simple, and somewhat cliche: rude, cold boy meets fun, loud girl, girl turns boy's world upside down, boy's heart changes, they fall in love, yay. However, putting this plot in the context of a fictional, Korean constitutional monarchy was pretty clever. And of course, what's a drama without...well...drama? Plenty of that in this show. Former love interests and love triangles run rampant. Some of the actions that are pretty love-story-typical were a bit cheesy for me. But who knows, maybe that's what Koreans love in their shows. I felt some of the subplots in this show were really drawn out, and it made the overall story heavy, maybe even dull at times. Is 24 the magic number for how many episodes should be aired? Who knows.

Buuuuuut I have to confess that I chose to watch this drama because of the main actress, 윤은혜 (Yoon Eun Hye), after watching her in Coffe Prince, where she also starred as the main character. And I really enjoyed that show. Between these two, I definitely liked Coffee Prince more than Goong. I just think the story in Coffee Prince is better and the characters have more depth. When I think about it, I feel that maybe Yoon's acting is better in Coffee Prince than in Goong, but it's important to know Yoon's role in Coffee Prince came after Goong. I'm not sure whether this is is due to her accumulated experience between the two series that results in her acting being better in the later show. I had the feeling that she played a good bit of her character in Goong for comic effect, whenever the scene called for a comic mood. Maybe that's how the character is, but sometimes, I just felt that part of it seemed forced, on her part.

I'm really contemplating watching 아가씨를 부탁해, or Take Care of the Young Lady, next. (....where Yoon Eun Hye also has a leading role. What, I think she's cute, all right? Don't judge.)

But for now, I think I'll try something else.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Mamihlapinatapai: A look shared by two people with each wishing that the other will initiate something that both desire but which neither one wants to start.”

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Glee! And in this week's episode, Mike Chang (Harry Shum Jr.) finally has his breakout performance! I love this so much, I can't get over how great it is. Team Asia ftw.

Noooooo! Stupid Fox had to take the video clip down. At least you can find studio recordings of the song on youtube. They even included the dialogue/lines from the original show. Eh well.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

You left cigarette burns
across my bed sheets
pock marked holes
but they don't make sleeping any warmer.

There was a warm breeze
that blew through my hair
until the clouds came in
and cast shadows
cold biting winds
that took down my house.

They say don't burn your bridges
but it seems as if I never had bridges to begin with
and they were only dreams.

It was a cool day when I came to
and a warm night when you left
connections that trace the leaves which
scatter across my front door step
as I walked inside and didn't want
to come out.

A ghost.

I share no words but with one
who listens patiently and knows how to provide
but a temporary flame which fails to last
until the next morning.

I am knee-deep in blistering sand with
an empty bottle
a bitter taste
false hopes
a faded map
but I know I will find my way

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

World Edition

For a long time now, I've wondered what are we, as humans, to God, if he exists? I like to think we must be his own personal super deluxe mega expansions-included copy of The Sims. He creates millions and millions of Sims and let's them loose in the world. He sometimes gives some of the Sims guidance so they can live their lives as they should be, but most of the time, these Sims are here so he can laugh at their misfortune of pissing themselves, refuse to help them in case of stove fire, or just occasionally fuck up their lives for shits and giggles.

Monday, October 4, 2010


God I love Maroon 5. This song is a new favorite of mine from their recent album.

"Why does the one you love become the one who makes you want to cry?"

Friday, October 1, 2010

In Transit

As they say, all good things must come to an end.

Thanks, for all you've done for me.