Friday, October 29, 2010


One could say "what is the purpose of life?" and sound like he's questioning or pondering our existence as humanity, why are we here on this planet, in this universe, living the way we do.

Or he could ask "what's the point of living?" and come off more on the suicidal tone.

Don't you agree both questions mean the same thing? Yet how is it one sounds more alarming than the other? I suppose then the tone of the person's voice also affects the connotation as well as the context of the question, but I still find it interesting.

Because surely there must be more to life than this. We are brought into this world screaming. We sleep. We cry. We grow. We go to school. Learn. For some, we take tests and continue our education. Then some might continue more education. For what? To get a good job. Then we work. And work. Maybe marry. Maybe have kids. Maybe those kids will do the same things we did. Maybe we'll divorce. Maybe the kids will also divorce later on. But we continue working. Living. Working. Until what? We die.

No matter what path each person takes, everyone eventually reaches the same destination.

Does each person have a purpose? What if some of us don't know what the purpose is?

What if there is no purpose.

Then cut to the chase, shall we.


Also. I never realized staring at a TV mowing down wave after wave of aliens for about 6-8 hours in one day could produce such. a fucking. headache. I feel like a full-on hangover can't possibly have such a consequence that's on par with this ailment. But I'll probably find out one day.

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