Monday, February 28, 2011

Movie Madness .2

On The Oscars:

BOOM, Nat Portman with that Best Actress, hellz yeah. Knew she had it coming. You go girl.

That aside, I have some qualms with a couple of the nominees. I don't particularly agree with all the nominations The Social Network got. Sure, it was a great movie and fairly insightful, but at the core it's a dramatization of a series of events. I don't think it was deserving of Best Picture nomination. And as for Jesse Eisenberg getting nominated for Best Actor, I don't quite agree with that either. All it took was his playing a pretty douche-y character, and was Mark Zuckerberg even that big of a prick? I don't think it takes too much skill to act douche-y. Overall, The Social Network was an excellent film, but I don't think it's deserving of all the Oscar nominations its received. But if anything, I would agree that Trent Reznor is deserving of Best Original Score for this film. Props to him.
Then...there's Inception. I liked the movie. It's great. It's a spectacle. It makes you think. But all the hype about it still just seems...overrated, again, like The Social Network. Ooh, let's make the entire street/this half of the city turn on its side. Let's make the hallway spin around! I don't know, it seems like everyone made a big fuss over it. I just wasn't that impressed, I guess.

Moving right along.

Thank You for Smoking (2005)
I think I'm starting to get an Aaron Eckhart fever going on (Rabbit Hole, anyone?) [WHICH I STILL HAVEN'T SEEN, DAMNIT].) Eckhart's just such a smooth talker in Smoking, it's great. He's got the persona, the charm, the wit. Everything about his character in this movie is so awesome. I think starting into the movie, I had the idea it would be some farce/commentary on smoking and the tobacco industry, and while those issues do provide the setting for the story, the film as a whole is more about this man and how he's managed to get by in life because of his charisma. Really interesting and entertaining film.

Hard Candy (2005)
Ellen Page: WHAT THE FUCK. Girl you are SERIOUSLY creepy in this movie. And here I was thinking you're some odd kind of cute, what with Juno and Whip It. Then we get a taste of a more mature you in Inception, but now I watch this movie of your younger self and all I can think is WHAT THE FUCK.
Basically, this movie is creepy. Not in a scary, horror way, nor in the little-girl-is-odd-murderous kind of way (ok maybe the latter is somewhat true.) Creepy in the way that makes you wonder why the hell is this girl doing the things she does? How can this 14 year old girl be so mature that she outwits and overpowers a much older man? Psychological Thriller indeed. Holy damn.
Ok I'll say the movie is...good. It's good in that it's rather shocking and messes with your mind, somewhat, but golly, Ellen Page's character. Whoa girl. Whoa.

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