Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Havin' a Hunch

A ooh, wah, ooh ah. 
^(Seussical the Musical anyone? No? I would've linked to a song except there aren't any great videos of it. Sad days.)

So I watched Hunchback of Notre Dame, (Disney movie) just for the sake of watching a movie I enjoyed when I was younger. And it's still quite entertaining. I got a craving to watch it after browsing dA and looked at some images someone did of the film, was linked over to the scene where Frollo is bemoaning and groaning over his lust for Esmeralda, and I just thought "man, I really want to watch this movie again." Luckily enough, a classmate had a copy and loaned it to me. Craving: curbed. 

Then I decided to watch the Making-Of for this film, which was pretty entertaining in and of itself. It got to a part where they're showing some clips when they were recording the voice work and I thought "Damn, it would be really cool to work the sound for a film like that." Or just films in general. 

That notion prompted me to embark on a semi-brief flurry of research into what I've discovered is called Post Production Sound Editing. Basically if there's something that needs to have sound added or edited, usually for television or film or even radio, it'll go to these separate studios where all the sound work takes place. Fixes echoes, shuts out unwanted background noise, trims sound clips, or even add certain effects that enhance the sounds for the audience. And those people who do all that include sound editors, re-recording mixers, sound designers, audio/sound engineers, and Foley artists. (<--really. really. cool. )

It'd be really interesting to work in that field. It's a pretty small niche in the industry though. Hmm...

I've grown more and more disappointed with the plot in Glee. The conflicts seem extremely petty compared to season 1. All this relationship drama among the characters. So juvenile. Also: WHAT THE FUCK. BIEBER MUSIC FEATURED IN NEXT WEEK'S EPISODE? This is just insanity. Is Fox trying to cancel Glee? They're jumping the shark, I swear. Lady Gaga was ok I guess, but Bieber? Hell. No. I can't believe it. I seriously just cannot believe it. There's plenty of GOOD music out there to choose from, and whoever's behind song selection chose. freaking. Bieber. God. I want to hire a midget/small person to package him into a box. And I'll mail that box to the guy responsible for the song selection. He'll open the box, and the little person will pop out and deliver a swift, powerful punch to the guy's balls. Maybe two punches, for good measure. 

Lately, my taste in music has been gravitating towards...airy, eerie, female vocalists? Female vocalists in general, not necessarily dependent on singing style and genre? 

[Note: below songs are headphone-wearing recommended. No crappy laptop speakers for these ladies.]

Emily Wells is just incredible. Her main instrument is violin, but she plays so many others. One video is of her performing one of her songs, all by herself, using a loop station and just laying down track after track of melody and vocals. Hardcore. So far I've only listened to her Symphonies album, and by god, it is awesome stuff. This is my favorite song, with probably Symphony 6: Fair Thee Well and the Requiem Mix being my next favorite from the album. 

Then there's Elsiane. I'm not sure what it is about her voice. It's unlike anything I usually listen to. Maybe it's just her vocals combined with the very relaxing, groovy beats and haunting melodies filling in the spaces. So easing, mellow, smooth. I just want to sit in a big, comfy chair with a drink and a smoke, close my eyes, and listen to this song. 

I love the feel to this song, by Koop. It's definitely haunting, a little sad, but I can just feel emotion dripping off of the voice. The instrumental track seems quite simple, but maybe that's what makes this song special. It gives me the chills sometimes. So, so good. 

Ok, this one I know because of Scott Pilgrim, but so what. This band/duo kicks ass. I'm getting into their other work as well, besides the one featured in the movie. But seriously, how wild is Blood Red Shoes? They're a two-member band, and they rock! One guitarist and a drummer. Laura Mary-Carter on guitar: pretty hot. Girls who can play guitar are hot, but girls who rock an electric are even hotter. Man. I think it's the fact that in this video she's still wearing a dress but playing like it's nobody's business. I also find this music video to be quite amusing. I'm not sure why. 

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