Monday, December 6, 2010

Nocturnal. Yep.

So here's the screenplay I wrote for my theatre history class. Description at the bottom, after the piece.


So what I don't mention are my thoughts on the scene between Sam and Rachel the second time he takes King, the part where Rachel tells Sam she can't be the only one to save him. 

When I wrote those lines (I think this was around 3 or 4AM,) I freaked out. I wondered where the hell did I get the idea to start using near-direct quotes from my personal life. I had to stop writing to take a walk around the SLC. Sure maybe my brain was fried from the lack of sleep and it got desperate and just started using whatever ideas it could come up with to put on paper. And yeah, mostly the things I write creatively have influences from my personal life, but never, ever have I used lines that are pretty much directly referring/almost plagiarizing things that have happened to me.  

****edit* :NEVER-EFFING-MIND, I'm not quite sure what  I was thinking. It's the nights, you know, I think too much PLUS my sleep schedule is all effed. Granted I feel Rachel's lines are kinda eerie to me, but they're not say, verbatim, of things. I don't know. wth am I doing. Move along now, nothing to see here. ***

But in the end I figured what the hell, no one's gonna know this when I present in class, so I let those lines be. I suppose the ones who would know are the ones the events pertain to. 

Sometimes I wonder, can one ever be a good writer if all he uses for inspiration are personal feelings? 

To be continued. 

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