TURK: I'd be great at that job.
CARLA: Then go for it
TURK: Chief of surgery?
CARLA: Baby, one of the most amazing things about you is that when you want something bad enough, you always make it happen. Remember when you first started working here and I had no interest in dating you, what did you do?
TURK: I made it happen.
CARLA: And what about when I had no interest in marrying you?
TURK: I made it happen!
CARLA: Go make this happen.
TURK: I'm doing it.
It makes sense, really. If you want something badly enough, you will find a way to make it happen. I wanted to be one of the best damn dancers that's ever gone through BPG, and though my time in the group was short, I put in the hours and danced at events outside of regular practice, and I've definitely made this happen. I wanted to date a certain gal, and with enough patience, perseverance, and maybe charm on my part, I've...almost made it happen. I think. And now if I really want to kick the DAT's ass and make myself look like the best thing that's ever happened to dental school/dentistry since the freaking toothbrush, well.
I'm gonna make it happen.
It makes sense, really. If you want something badly enough, you will find a way to make it happen. I wanted to be one of the best damn dancers that's ever gone through BPG, and though my time in the group was short, I put in the hours and danced at events outside of regular practice, and I've definitely made this happen. I wanted to date a certain gal, and with enough patience, perseverance, and maybe charm on my part, I've...almost made it happen. I think. And now if I really want to kick the DAT's ass and make myself look like the best thing that's ever happened to dental school/dentistry since the freaking toothbrush, well.
I'm gonna make it happen.
YOU. CAN. DO IT. i gurantee if you do the destroyer 3x through theres no way you can ge ta bad score on top of doing the crack teh PAT 2 times through or more. GUARNATEE