So. I've forgotten how unbelievably soothing biking through campus can be. Today so far has been particularly sunny, but cool and brisk: the perfect temperature for some listless cruising around campus.
...Although to be honest I'm kinda half-assing it, since I stick my bike in Carla before arriving in the parking deck and then commencing my bike to class. I don't like waiting for buses, ok? But yes, eventually, I'll work up the stamina where I can bike to and from my apartment and campus with ease (there is a freaking giant ass hill in front of my apartment, and I can climb it after like 23561425 minutes. But I will conquer you with ease, hill. One day.)
Hmm. I've yet to name my bike. TBD.
I have, however, decided my next computer (whenever that may be) will be Chell. Yes, that is the name of the protagonist you play as from Portal/Portal 2. Yes, I'm being slightly nerdy (my first computer and ipod were named after other videogame characters for chrissakes.) And yes, I am actually departing from my belief that I name my computers using male names. I just think Chell would make a nice computer name. But if you steal this name for your computer before I get a chance to use it, I will Portal you into space :uhohspoileralert[lolwut?]:
Speaking of computers, Leeroy is giving me a headache. Stupid hard drive issues. I do believe Chell will be a PC of some sort. Although saying "PC" is something of a misnomer because it stands for "personal computer" and aren't macbooks technically personal computers as well? Let's just say non-mac. But I do love the macbook multitouch track pads EEEE.
There's a difference between being alone and feeling lonely.
I am really terrible at the revision process for writing. It's not that I think my first drafts are just so awesome and perfect upon completion (or. ok. well sometimes they are, not gonna lie [WHOA I JK DUDE]) but it's just that I feel like by the time I finish the first drafts I've run out of juice. Ideas. Motivation. Blah.
I was in a creative writing class this past semester. It was fun, I learned a lot, but I had to do revisions for my final portfolio (hence the above bit on revisions).
But anyways, you can read what I've written here!
The Mask
Lessons to Live by in Neverland
Call Me
A few of my comments on these pieces can be found at the bottom of each submission.
For some reason I've had the "Tango Roxanne" number/song from Moulin Rouge stuck in my head the past couple of nights or so. Decided to search youtube for anyone who's uploaded some sick tango choreo to the song, and DAMN.
(sorry but please ignore the annoying caption, audio quality, and crowd noises -__-)
So excited to learn more tango in the upcoming year. Goal: Dance like that.
...why yes, I obviously mean I want to be the girl :sarcasm:
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