Friday, April 1, 2011

Once Again, it's Topsy Turvy Day

Hah! It worked! By papering our own door, we confused our friends as to who's responsible for the silly prank. My roommate said they were all tweeting about it to each other all morning trying to figure out whodunnit.

And I don't use twitter. I think it's silly.

April 1, 2011. ~2:00 AM

Me: Oh shit. It's April 1 now.
Roommate: Yeah.
Me: Wanna newspaper our friends' doors?
Roommate: Alright.

So we did just that. Our friends live across from us. I pulled out the box from under my bed where I'd been stockpiling copies of the school newspaper, a paper for every day of class (or almost everyday. I threw away/recycled some because after all I'm not gonna need THAT many papers). And we newspapered their doors so that when they woke up this morning and was on their way out to their cars, whoa. Wall of newspapers.

But then because my roommate and I also tried to wall in our friends' doors with snow during the Snowpocalypse, we figured they'd wise up and suspect us as the culprits. So we tried to hopefully throw them off by newspaper our own front door and entering our apartment through the back. Nice.

If they accuse us, we'll try to play it off. Eventually, I'll post pictures and then they'll see. Mwahahah.

And I really wanted to newspaper someone's car (the patrol car belonging to the police officer who lives next door? Hmmmm) except it was already really late and besides, I still have plenty of paper left. Maybe one night I'll be exceptionally bored and decide "you know what, I think I'll newspaper a car. For shits and giggles."


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