Tuesday, May 29, 2012


I'm starting a new blog, simply because I feel like it's time for a change of scenery. This blog has served me as a means to chronicle my odd thoughts and evolving interests throughout my time as an undergraduate student. Well, I've graduated now, and while I don't feel any different, I think it's a nice place to start fresh with something, that something being a new blog.

It's not any different from what I'm doing now. I simply want to try a new platform and use a new design. To be honest, I actually started it almost a week ago, but I've been working out the kinks and getting accustomed to how Wordpress functions before I shared the new address. So yeah. It's here. I know only a small handful of people actually keep up with this thing, so that either means you care about what I have to say, or you're just stalking me. Awkward. I'm still tinkering with the blog overall, but for the most part, I think it's ready for me to share. 

Look, Blogger...it's not you, really. You're a great blogging platform. I've gotten to know you so well over the last three to four years. But I've changed as a person, and I need to explore new things. It's difficult to say all this, but it's time we part ways. I hope we can separate on good terms. If it's meant to be, maybe we'll be together again some day. But we can't predict the future, so there's no telling what will happen. It's been a blast, kiddo. 

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