Tuesday, August 23, 2011

So it begins.

Attended my first practice as a BPG apprentice. Exciting! 

And utterly exhausting. It's great that I get to learn more technique while also seeing how an ensemble operates. In social dancing, it's quite easy to start losing form, getting sloppy, all simply enjoying myself and having a good time on the dance floor. But in the group, everyone must appear the same, so it's critical to make sure everyone's basics look similar, certain moves, spins, tucks, etc also look alike for all the dancers. I find it rather mentally stimulating because it gives me much more to think about. 

On an unrelated note, I think I might've broken my facebook account. Or that I locked myself out of it, somehow. So, I had it set to where if I/someone logged into my profile from another computer/"device," it would alert me via email and I could verify the login. Otherwise, I could take the steps necessary to retrieve and reclaim my account should I get an alert of unauthorized login (why anyone would try to force-hack  [no, not those silly oh-look-I'm-on-so-and-so's-profile-I'LL-CHANGE-HIS-STATUS-LOLSIES hacks] my facebook is beyond me but hey better sorry than safe.

Anyways, so earlier today I was making a status update about how I got called "Ms. Kim" (...I'm a guy, in case you can't tell from my writing) and I was getting notifications of people responding to it. On a side note, the fact that I'm writing about facebook makes me want to facepalm myself. Twice. But bear with me for a bit. So I try to check what people are saying but facebook was being all glitchy and not showing what was going on I tried a few remedies such as logout/re-login, quit and reopen the browser, then opened a new browser system (such as switching from Chrome to Safari) to see if anything would change. 

Well...I did just that, the last thing on that list and I must've clicked something because it counted that as an unauthorized login. Point is, I'm now locked out of my account. Every time I try to login I just get a "Sorry, something went wrong," page. Occasionally I will get a page that tells me someone (read: me) tried an unauthorized login blah blah blah click continue to take the necessary steps to retrieve your account. I click the button, and I get "Sorry" page again. 

Am I annoyed? Honestly, yeah, I am. But hey, maybe it's a good thing that I'm blocked from the thing. It's kinda like I deactivated it. Permanently. Except...my account and info and everything is still there and open to people. Looks like no communication via facebook for me! 

Ironically, one of the first things that came to my mind was writing something on facebook about my facebook being broken--WAIT, THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE--*world implodes* 

Heh, so...yeah. Maybe I like the thing a little too much. Or it's not that like it. It's become almost something of a reflex on the internet which also concerns me. So, here's to maybe getting this thing fixed sometime, and if not, oh well, if people are that damn curious they can find an explanation by following a link on my abandoned facebook profile to this blog, bahahaha. 

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