Tuesday, March 29, 2011


"The internet's not written in pencil. It's written in ink."
~The Social Network (2010)


"No mistakes in the tango, not like life. It's simple. That's what makes the tango so great. If you make a mistake, get all tangled up, just tango on."
~Frank Slade (Al Pacino) from Scent of a Woman


From Angels in America. By Tony Kushner.

Or if you want the official, full title from where these lines are from:

Angels in America
A Gay Fantasia on National Themes
Part I: Millenium Approaches

Yeah. Shit just got real. 

ROY: Everyone who makes it in this world makes it because somebody older and more powerful takes an interest. The most precious asset in life, I think is the ability to be a good son. You have that, Joe. Somebody who can be a good son to a father who pushes them farther than they would otherwise go. I've had many fathers, I owe my life to them, powerful, powerful men. Walter Winchell, Edgar Hoover. Joe McCarthy most of all. he valued me because I am a good lawyer, but he loved me because I am a good son. He was a very difficult man, very guarded and cagey, I brought out something tender in him. He would have died for me. And me for him. Does this embarrass you?
JOE: I had a hard time with my father.
ROY: Well sometimes that's the way. Then you have to find other father, substitutes, I don't know. The father-son relationship is central to life. Women are for birth, beginning, but the father is continuance. The son offers the father his life as a vessel for carrying forth his father's dream. Your father's living?
JOE: Um, dead.
ROY: He was . . . what? A difficult man?
JOE: He was in the military. He could be very unfair. And cold.
ROY: But he loved you.
JOE: I don't know.
ROY: No, no, Joe, he did, I know this. Sometimes a father's love has to be very, very hard unfair even, cold to make his son grow strong in a world like this. This isn't a good world.
~Act II Scene 4

JOE: Yesterday was Sunday but I've been a little unfocused recently and I thought it was Monday. So I came here like I was going to work. And the whole place was empty. And at first I couldn't figure out why, and I had this moment of incredible . . . fear and also . . . It just flashed through my mind: The whole Hall of Justice, it's empty, it's deserted, it's gone out of business. Forever. The people that make it run have up and abandoned it.
LOUIS: Creepy.
JOE: Well yes but. I felt that I was going to scream. Not because it was creepy, but because the emptiness felt so fast. And . . . well, good. A . . . happy scream. I just wondered what a thing it would be . . . if overnight everything you owe anything to, justice, or love, had really gone away. Free. It would be . . . heartless terror. Yes. Terrible, and . . . Very great. To she your skin, every old skin, one by one and then walk away, unencumbered, into the morning.
~Act II, Scene 7

LOUIS: Tell him I love him. Can you do that?
BELIZE: I've thought about it for a very long time, and I still don't understand what love is. Justice is simple. Democracy is simple. Those things are unambivalent. But love is very hard. And it goes bad for you if you violate the hard law of love.
~Act III, Scene 2

ROY: Because I fucking hate traitors. Because I fucking hate communists. Was it legal? Fuck legal. Am I a nice man? Fuck nice. They say terrible things about me in the Nation. Fuck the Nation. You want to be Nice, or you want to be Effective? Make the law, or subject to it. Choose.
~Act III, Scene 5


from Fool for Love by Sam Shepard

EDDIE: Lying's when you believe it's true. If you already know it's a lie then it's not lying.

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