Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Last Airbender

...more like this better be the Last Movie Shyamyamayamalan makes.

What can I say. Toy Story 3 was so incredible, and The Last Airbender was the exact opposite. Plain. Awful. It's terrible both as being a fan of the series expecting at least a decent adaptation, and just as a film itself. I could go on and on about all the extreme and annoying differences between the movie and the animated series, but I'd rather not do that. It'd be a list that goes on forever. Let me just say the movie is guaranteed to piss off any fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender series.

Now just as a movie, The Last Airbender was still bad. What really bothered me the most was the acting. With the exception of the man who played Uncle Iroh (who even still was probably half-decent) watching and listening to everyone on screen made me want to stab myself in the head. There was no direction! No objective! No urgency, conflict, tension...nothing. Just flat acting, through and through.

I'm pretty sure my eyes were actually twitching in rage and uncontrollable humor at how terrible the movie was when I walked out of the theater and drove home. I saw the film with a friend of mine and we were in agreement: The Last Airbender is just plain bad.

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