Monday, June 14, 2010


seems like it's all I do these days. But I've never had a job before, and what I do now is pretty good, and I shouldn't be complaining. Plus it fills up all those empty hours I spend staring at the TV while sitting on a swivel chair/large couch/stuffed cat.

As I was working today, a woman arrived with some friends of hers. She was wearing a US flag-themed bikini (which she filled quite nicely, I must say.)

I'm not quite one for religion, but damn. God bless America.

And as far as America-related issues that occupy whatever spare thinking power I have to use, it's the oil crises in the Gulf of Mexico and the future of healthcare+medicine. Environmental concerns and career crises, oh joy.

Even though it's summer I still feel stressed. Sometimes though, all you need to hammer out that tension is doing a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle of The Beatles.

Work in progress.

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