This web-log is for me to record and share my thoughts on people, life, and the world. And maybe I’ll throw in some crazy random shit from time to time. Or whatever peaks my interest at the moment. I’ll do my best to refrain from making this too personal. It’s a blog, not a journal or diary for crying out loud.
So, what I would like to do is to commence this blog’s maiden voyage with some ramblings and musings on this concept I’ve had: what is and is not normal and weird, in terms of describing people.
People talk about other people, describe them, idolize them, creep on them, stalk them, etc. Human interactions are a stable to our existence as a species. Eventually, we can describe people as weird or normal. Maybe we won’t make this decision so blatantly for everyone, but at least subconsciously, we decide whether this person is weird or normal.
Oh, so you don’t use the words “weird” or “normal,” do ya?
Hey boys and girls, it’s Synonym Time!
>Weird: (adjective): creepy, awkward, nerdy, different, strange, gross, gay(slang). (noun): loser, geek, creep, nerd, dork, fag(slang).
>Normal: (adjective): cool, awesome, ok, chill, likeable, great, amazing.
If you’ve ever used any of these words to describe another person, or words similar to them, then congratulations! You win!I’m certain I haven’t covered everything that falls under these two words, since the English language (especially here in America) is constantly evolving and slang and colloquialisms are birthed every other day, but you get the gist of it.
So here’s my thought:
To be weird is to be different, which in turn is to be not normal. Ok?
By similar and basic logic, then to be normal is not to be weird. Right?
To be normal means to conform. Conform to what? Well, to what the majority is, at the present moment.
But who wants to conform?
For instance (and I’m drawing from personal observation here) say it’s winter time and you’re walking across campus. How many girls do you see wearing track shorts over leggings, or just leggings by themselves, either one paired with Ugg® boots? How many bodies do you pass with The Northface® jackets?
Probably every other person, if not every single person, you pass presents this habits to the public.
These people decide to conform to what’s popular at the moment.
Gosh, isn’t this WEIRD?
To conform to normality is to be weird. BUT to be weird is to be not normal.
Let’s flip this: being weird is not being normal, and being normal is being weird.
(Good gracious, may god have mercy on my soul over-killing the passive voice)
Woo, paradox. My mind’s been warped. You?
So who’s right? Who is really “normal” and who is actually “weird?”
In conclusion, everyone is a bit of both. You can’t just alienate a person from your group of friends just because he or she is a little different. You can’t just glare at a group of similarly-clothed people because they’re all the same and lack variety.
Well ok, maybe you can do the latter. But I’m being biased.
Regardless, people are human beings, and each human being is an embodiment of individuality. No one is going to be normal or weird, because everyone has his own standards and definitions of what is right and what is wrong.
Man, this has been some freaky nonsense. I’m so weird.